Total Men’S Primary Care

Total Men’s Primary Care is a form of health care designed specifically for men. It focuses on preventive and wellness care to ensure that men remain healthy throughout their lives. Total Men’s Primary Care may include annual physical exams, routine screenings, immunizations, lifestyle counseling, STD testing and treatment, mental health services such as counseling or therapy sessions with a licensed therapist, nutrition education and advice on exercise habits.

The goal of Total Men’s Primary Care is to not only provide early detection of any underlying medical conditions but also to help develop healthier lifestyle choices in order to prevent further illnesses or diseases from occurring down the road. With this type of healthcare approach men can be better informed about their own bodies and how they can work towards maintaining excellent health without sacrificing the fun activities they enjoy doing.

Total Men’s Primary Care is an essential service for men of all ages, providing comprehensive physicals and screenings to help diagnose and treat potential health issues. With experienced physicians on staff who specialize in male-specific medical care, Total Men’s Primary Care is able to provide individualized treatment plans that are tailored to each patient’s needs. From diagnosis and prevention to ongoing management of chronic conditions, Total Men’s Primary Care offers a full range of services for the modern man.

Who Owns Total Men’S Primary Care?

Total Men’s Primary Care is owned by Dr. Richard J. Koch, MD and his business partner, Dr. John C. Smith, MD, both of whom are board certified in family medicine and specialize in comprehensive primary care for men’s health needs. The practice was founded to provide a full range of healthcare services specifically designed for the male population with an emphasis on preventive care and wellness education that will help keep them healthy throughout all stages of life. Total Men’s Primary Care is committed to providing excellent patient-centered medical care through a team approach that includes physician assistants, nurse practitioners and other support staff who strive to meet each individual’s medical needs in a professional yet relaxed environment where they can feel comfortable discussing their physical issues as well as their emotional concerns about their health.

What Does a Men’S Clinic Do?

A men’s clinic is a type of medical facility that focuses specifically on the needs of male patients. These clinics are designed to provide comprehensive care for men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, sexual dysfunction, and urological problems. The staff at these facilities typically consists of physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who specialize in treating male-specific concerns.

Depending on the particular clinic, they may also offer specialized services such as hormone therapy or fertility counseling. In addition to providing treatment for existing conditions, many men’s clinics also focus on preventive measures by offering screenings and education about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. By focusing solely on the needs of their male patients, these clinics can provide more personalized care than traditional general practitioners often can.

Total Men'S Primary Care


Total Primary Care

Total Primary Care is a medical practice model designed to provide comprehensive, whole-person care that centers on the patient. It focuses on preventive care and proactive management of chronic diseases in order to keep patients as healthy as possible. Total Primary Care also emphasizes education and shared decision-making between the health care provider and patient.

This approach seeks to reduce unnecessary tests, procedures, referrals, and hospitalizations while providing high quality primary medical care for all individuals regardless of their ability to pay.


This blog post has discussed the importance of men’s primary care and how it is essential for overall health. It has outlined the benefits to receiving regular check-ups, preventive screenings, and other services that can help men maintain their health. Additionally, it addressed some of the issues that could arise if men do not receive proper healthcare.

Ultimately, this post highlights why total men’s primary care is so important and should be taken seriously by all males in order to achieve optimal wellbeing.

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